
Personal blog

万户 (Wanhu)

Posted at — Nov 3, 2023

Wanhu on his rocket chair - Rockets, Jets and Missiles


Wanhu Feitian is a legend about a Ming Dynasty official named Wanhu who wanted to fly to the sky to realize his dream. He sat on a chair, tied 47 rockets, held two kites in his hand, and flew into the sky. But the rocket exploded at high altitude, and Wanhu also sacrificed his life. This story mainly expresses the ancient people’s desire to fly into the sky. Wanhu is recognized as “the world’s first person in aerospace”.

A Moon crater was named Wanhu by NASA


The Sky Rocket is a rocket-shaped firecracker made using the rocket principle. In China, northerners call it the Sky Rocket, and southerners call it the Sky Cannon.

窜天猴 (Sky Rocket)
