
Personal blog

Spark More - 去发现,无限可能

Posted at — Oct 7, 2022






How many colors are there in this world? When do you start to reflect on yourself? How to stay curious forever?

We know the wold starting with playing games. We find inspiring imagination and the stories behind it. We start out as rivals and end up with friendship. We are firing our devotion and learning to grow up. We catch a glimpse of the memories from thousands of years ago through our phones, which surprises us with the eternal beauty of the traditional culture. We explore the past to safeguard the present so we can see the future.

When we look at this world from a different perspective, we will see there are more opportunities.

Game is a perspective to perceive, an origin for exploration, and an inspiration for creativity. When you learn to play, you will find the happiness of trying be affected by the power of thinking, unlock a new way to look at everything.

Then you can touch the infinite world around you. Spark More 去发现,无限可能.
