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Nov 3, 2023
The discovery of Eletron and the Plum Budding ModelBefore 1897, the atom model was believed to be a solid sphere. Thomson then disagreed with this idea. He conducted an experiment by producing a visible beam called a cathode ray in a tube.…
Nov 3, 2023
The poem of many rabbits (多兔的诗)多兔的诗 兔年大吉 大展宏兔 兔飞猛进 前兔无量 兔然发财 这么多兔 Explanation 兔年大吉 ⇒ 兔年大吉 (tù nián dàjí, thỏ niên đại cát) Simply indicates “Happy the year of Rabbit”…
Nov 3, 2023
万户 (Wanhu)Wanhu on his rocket chair - Rockets, Jets and Missiles 万户飞天是一个神话故事,讲述的是一个叫万户的明朝官员,他想要飞到天上实现自己的梦想。他坐在椅子上,绑着47支火箭,手里拿着风筝,飞向天空。但是火箭在高空爆炸了,万户也为此献出了生命。这个故事主要表达了古代人们想要飞上天的愿望。万户被公认为“世界航空航天第一人”。 Wanhu Feitian is a legend about a Ming Dynasty official named Wanhu who wanted to fly to the sky to realize his dream.…
Nov 3, 2023
中国聊天机器人December 2022 “Lacking human experience and emotions” 我有一段时间和中国聊天机器人聊天以寻找信息,我得到了同样的不好的感觉。聊天机器人的回答是充分的,但因为它立即对我做出了反应,所以感觉有点机械。如果你和一个人聊天,他/她可能需要更长时间来更仔细地回应。这在一定程度上影响了人类的心理。虽然人工智能对社会有益,但他并不能完全取代人类。 I spent some time chatting with a Chinese chatbot looking for information and I got the same bad feeling.…
Nov 3, 2023
[COCE#4] Element Production (Fusion)Why does the sun shine? The Sun’s radiance results from the process of nuclear fusion, which transforms hydrogen into other light elements, and ultimately iron (H.…
Nov 3, 2023
[COCE#2] The First Chemical Enrichment EventsA ball of gas that was left over after the Big Bang along with the very first star. Star is not a static object, it actually evolves with time to a red giant and is getting much bigger.…
Nov 3, 2023
[COCE#3] Stellar ArchaeologyStellar Archaeology There are old stars called metal-poor. They are usually used as a tool to study the early universe.…
Nov 3, 2023
[COCE#6] Formation of the Heaviest ElementsThe lighter elements are made up in the fusion process that exists in the core of the stars. What about the heavier element?…
Nov 3, 2023
[COCE#5] SpectroscopySpectroscopy is the technique we use to observe stars in order to figure out their chemical composition. Noticing what happens when light comes through a little water droplet and it gets split up into rainbow colors, we do the same thing with a spectrograph mounted at a telescope.…
Nov 3, 2023
L'existence précède l'essenceL’existence précède l’essence (simplified to “Existence precedes essence”). We are facing an existence known as ae, created from our personal data.…